MudBlazor Integration

A dedicated package is provided in order to provide a more seamless integration with MudBlazor

The package provides a dedicated MudPdfViewer component that wraps the default Blazor PDF Viewer functionality and provides a viewer build out of MudBlazor specific components.

This allows for a much tighter integration with your MudBlazor project theme as well as the ability to customise the PDF Viewer with MudBlazor icons and colours.

<MudPdfViewer Url=""/>


Grab the latest package from

dotnet add package Gotho.BlazorPdf.MudBlazor


Add the following to your application startup in Program.cs


Update your App.razor file to import the required CSS.

<link href="_content/Gotho.BlazorPdf.MudBlazor/blazorpdf_mudblazor.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

Then, add the namespace to your _Imports.razor file.

@using Gotho.BlazorPdf.MudBlazor;

You should now be able to use Blazor PDF in your Project! 🚀


Below is a basic example of the minimum required code in order to display a PDF document. See the rest of the documentation for full configuration options.

<MudPdfViewer Url=""/>
An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙